Sunday, January 24, 2016


December 7, 2015
Kaibeto, AZ

It has been a good week. Lots of strange things happened though. Today for example we ran into a couple of drunks in the park, that is nothing new since we live in the highest alcoholic per capita place in the nation. But these 2 guys were different than usual. They wanted us to call their mom so she could come and get them. One just got out of prison and the other brother had picked him up. They felt so bad for all of the things that they had done and are really trying to fix their lives. They said they drink to keep the nightmares of all of the people they killed while they were in the Marines away. We made the call and went on out way. 30 minutes later we met them again. He was coming our of Safeway with some medication to help control his seizures and some other stuff to try to help with the addiction he faces. I don't know what it is but I think he may succeed. 
This week we also had a couple of people tell us some strange things. It all started when we told her that the Zone-Leaders would be taking our Chidi (truck) to Farmington when they go to their special meetings this week with Elder Lynn G. Robins. Her response was one that I will never forget "Are you curious?" The attempt to ask if we were 'serious' kind of failed. Later someone was talking to about the primary program it went like this. "So you know...what's his name? Thompson Monson? The president? Well I guess that he wrote bishop a note and told me that I have to do one....(sigh) I guess I will." We were stunned. 
Well now for what made me go Uhhh. While we were driving the other day we got a call from the Assistants. It was Elder Dunn, who I came out with. He said "Elder Warnick I am sure you have heard about the meetings with Elder Robins this week. Well I don't know how you swung this but president was able to invite some people and you are one of them." Whoa, that threw me for a loop, I did not see that coming...ever. 
This week I also gave blood. It was my first time and I enjoyed doing it. What I am most excited for is to finally find out what my blood type is. Well that is the big stuff for the week I hope to have a lot to talk about next week.
Elder Warnick

Oh we also had a baptism this week... His name is Joshaun. Just happy to seem him finally getting there.

Blood Donation

I accidentally broke the freezer, but I fixed it.

Joshaun's Baptism

Accidentally dropped my planner in the font

Last Night's Sunset (December 6th)

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