November 16, 2015
Kaibeto, Az
It was a good week in Kaibeto. We have a big storm coming in
these next 2 days. I am excited for some more snow. This week has been
one that has certainly gotten cold. Well this week we had interviews
with President Adams. It was wonderful to talk about some of the things I
had on my mind. One thing I asked about was my first area, Polacca. It
was closed a transfer ago but is still closed. We talked about why it
got closed and when it may open, at the beginning of this coming year. I
also talked to him about the struggles that we are facing with finding
people to teach, and he reminded me of something that he and I first
discussed when we first met. We talked about Less-Actives and how we
both love teaching them and helping them return to something that they
already accepted once. I think that the church is really focusing on
them now, especially in our mission. In my discussions with President
Adams I learned of a new senior couple that is coming to the mission
with an assignment of specifically working with the people who were on
the Indian Placement Program. The wonderful Garden Project has changed
too. The funding switched from Humanitarian Aid, to Church Welfare. This
also came with an effort to have everyone who was involved with the
Indian Placement Program to have a garden. There is also a new Key
Indicator in our Mission, Less Actives at Church, they want to keep
track of all of the people who are making their way back to the Fold of
the Lamb of God. I believe that it is now time to bring them home, and to
nourish them so we may see the Lamanites "Blossom as a Rose." This week
also yielded some not so hot things for us. We had one of the elders in
the Zone get food poisoning, that is never fun. The poor guy couldn't
work, but even worse his poor companion...
Well thanks for everything.
Elder Warnick
Sunrise over Navajo Mountain |
Definition of My Mission |
In a Canyon |
Me |
Me and the Desert |
Emery and Me |
Me and the Hills |
Me and Snow |
Winter Desert |
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